Jeremy Ferwerda

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I'm an Associate Professor of Government at Dartmouth College, where I am also affiliated with the Program in Quantitative Social Science.

My research focuses on immigration and social policy within developed democracies. In particular, my work examines (1) how policies affect immigrant integration, (2) how immigrants interact with the welfare state, and (3) political responses towards immigrant settlement. Although my primary regional focus is on Europe, I also assess refugee policies and outcomes within other destinations, such as Canada and the United States.


Do Integration Courses Influence Refugees’ Integration Trajectories? Evidence from Norway
Journal of Politics, Forthcoming. with Henning Finseraas pdf

Temporal Deprivation and Populism: Evidence from 19 European Countries
European Journal of Political Research, Forthcoming. with Justin Gest and Tyler Reny

How Crises Shape Circles of Solidarity: Evidence from the COVID Pandemic in Italy
Comparative Political Studies, 2023. with Gabriele Magni, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks pdf

Do Immigrants Move to Welfare? Subnational Evidence from Switzerland
American Journal of Political Science, 2023. with Moritz Marbach and Dominik Hangartner pdf

How Distributional Conflict over In-Kind Benefits Generates Support for Far-Right Parties
Journal of Politics, 2022. with Charlotte Cavaille. pdf

Pull Factors and Migration Preferences: Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa
International Migration Review, 2020. with Justin Gest. pdf

In Search of Community and Opportunity: The Secondary Migration of Refugees in the United States
Science Advances, 2020. with N Mossad, J Hainmueller, D Lawrence, J Weinstein pdf

Immigration, Voting Rights, and Redistribution: Evidence from Local Governments in Europe
Journal of Politics, 2020. pdf | appendix

How Settlement Locations and Local Networks Influence Immigrant Political Integration
American Journal of Political Science, 2020. with B Bratsberg, H Finseraas, A Kotsadam pdf

Exposure to Immigration and Admission Preferences: Evidence from France
Political Behavior, 2019. with Katie Clayton and Yusaku Horiuchi pdf

Determinants of Refugee Naturalization in the United States
PNAS, 2018. with N Mossad, J Hainmueller, D Lawrence, J Weinstein pdf

Voting Rights and Immigrant Incorporation: Evidence from Norway
British Journal of Political Science, 2018. with Henning Finseraas and Johannes Bergh pdf

Improving Refugee Integration through Data-driven Algorithmic Assignment
Science, 2018. with K Bansak, J Hainmueller, et al pdf

Explaining Public Opposition to Refugee Resettlement: The Role of NIMBYism and Perceived Threats
Science Advances, 2017. with DJ Flynn and Yusaku Horiuchi pdf

KRLS: A Stata Package for Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares
Journal of Statistical Software, 2017. with Jens Hainmueller and Chad Hazlett pdf

Political Devolution and Resistance to Foreign Rule: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
American Political Science Review, 2014. with Nicholas L. Miller pdf | data | response

Electoral Consequences of Declining Participation: A Natural Experiment in Austria
Electoral Studies, 2014. pdf

Select Working Papers:

Shielding Voters? How Partisanship Shapes the Placement of Refugee Housing Facilities (with Sascha Riaz) pdf

Limited Backlash? Assessing the Geographic Scope of Electoral Responses to Refugees (with Sascha Riaz) pdf

The Stability of Not-In-My-Backyard Attitudes toward Refugees: Evidence from the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis (with Katie Clayton and Yusaku Horiuchi) pdf

Leveraging the Power of Place: A Data-Driven Decision Helper to Improve the Location Decisions of Economic Immigrants (with K. Bansak, N. Adams-Cohen, J. Fei, D. Lawrence, J. Weinstein, and J. Hainmueller) pdf

sensemakr: Sensitivity Analysis Tools for OLS in R and Stata (with Carlos Cinelli and Chad Hazlett) pdf